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In today’s fast-paced job market, employees must have a thorough understanding of the skills, knowledge, and behaviours required for their position. Employees should have a fundamental comprehension of their duties and responsibilities within an organization in these situations. Even though it is an overview and not always applicable to all businesses, it can be modified in a few ways to suit the ethos and environment of the organization. 

Occupational standards enter into effect at this point. They are defined as the competencies required for various job roles and provide employees with a reference framework, which are utilized in multiple industries, from healthcare to construction, and are designed to benefit workers at all career stages. 

In this article, we will discuss the significance of occupational standards for higher education students and the ways in which they can benefit workers in a variety of job responsibilities. The discussion also includes some of the industries that employ these frameworks, as well as examples of how they can assist employees in securing suitable employment.

What Are Occupational Standards?

Occupational standards are a set of benchmarks that define the knowledge, skills, and behaviours required for a particular job or role. They are used to ensure that job performance is consistent and of high quality. They are typically developed through a collaborative process involving employers, employees in the company, and industry experts.

According to Gasskov, the phrase “Occupational standards” has another meaning as the “evidence-based benchmarks of competent performance in the workplace which a representative sample of employers and other key stakeholders has agreed“.

Content of occupational standards commonly involves several components, which are listed below:

  • Performance criteria is a statement of performance outcomes (which may involve “critical elements of performance”). Critical elements of performance can take various forms depending on the type of technology, characteristics of the workplace, etc. Declaration of performance outcome and specific critical aspects of performance commonly relate to each function to allow for distinguishing thereby between “performance” and “competent performance”.
  • Knowledge and skills required for the competent implementation of job-related functions enabling the demonstration of performance criteria.
  • Essential details of the specific workplace where the job functions should be implemented (the so-called “defined contexts”). This means that if the workplace context has changed, the standards may no longer be valid.

The Importance of Occupational Standards to Higher Education Learners: 3 Reasons Why

In accordance with setting the standard for the workforce and job roles, it dramatically impacts learners, significantly higher education students. Occupational standard is evaluated as a reference for them to upgrade their knowledge, skill set, and expertise referring to their dream job and position. 

Here are several reasons that higher education should pay attention to these standards

Future Preparation

First, they can help learners prepare for their future careers by providing a clear understanding of the skills, knowledge, and behaviours required for different job roles. This can help learners make informed decisions about their education and training and can help them develop the skills they need to be successful in their chosen careers.

Design Desirable Courses and Qualifications

Second, occupational standards can be used to design courses and qualifications that meet the needs of employers and ensure that graduates are job-ready. By incorporating occupational standards into their programs and classes, higher education institutions can help ensure that their graduates are prepared to meet the needs of the job market and can help improve graduate employability.

Better Alignment Between Education And Working 

Finally, incorporating occupational standards into higher education programs can help ensure better alignment between education and industry needs. By working with industry partners to develop and update standards, higher education institutions can help ensure that their programs are relevant and up-to-date and can help ensure that graduates are prepared to meet the needs of the job market.

Fields Where Occupational Standards Apply

Occupational standards are used in a wide range of industries and job roles. They include healthcare, construction, finance, hospitality, and education that employees can refer to when searching for further information.

occupational standards
Many industries have occupational standards in standardized the workforce.

In specific industries, personnel will be obliged to perform certain tasks that not all occupations have. Therefore, it is divided into many positions and industries that employees can refer to in order to self-improve and enhance their career path. 

Examples of Occupational Standards in Different Industries

There are many examples of occupational standards in different industries. Specifically, the International Labour Organization (ILO) has developed a set of standards in the healthcare industry that define the knowledge, skills, and behaviours required for different nursing roles. Nursing schools and healthcare providers use these standards to ensure that nursing graduates are prepared to meet the needs of the job market.

Construction Industry 

Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) has developed a set of occupational standards for different construction roles, including bricklaying, carpentry, and plumbing. Employers and employees use these standards to ensure that construction work is performed to a high standard and are also used by training providers to develop courses and qualifications that meet the needs of the construction industry.

Finance Industry

Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) has developed a set of occupational standards for financial services professionals, which define the knowledge, skills, and behaviours required for different financial services roles. Training providers use these standards to develop courses and qualifications relevant to the financial services industry.

Hospitality Industry

Institute of Hospitality has developed a set of occupational standards for different hospitality roles, including hotel management, food and beverage service, and housekeeping. Employers and employees use these standards to ensure that hospitality services are delivered to a high standard and are used by training providers to develop courses and qualifications that meet the needs of the hospitality industry.


Occupational standards are crucial to high-quality job performance and continuous professional development. For higher education learners, these standards can provide a clear understanding of the skills, knowledge, and behaviours required for different job roles. They can help ensure that graduates are job-ready and prepared to meet the needs of the job market.

By incorporating these standards into their programs and courses, higher education institutions can help ensure that their graduates are prepared to meet the needs of the job market and can help improve graduate employability. Occupational standards are used in a wide range of industries and job roles and are a valuable tool for ensuring high-quality job performance and continuous professional development.

occupational standards
Occupational standards help employees to enhance their opportunities in their career paths.

As the job market continues to evolve, higher education institutions need to work closely with industry partners to develop and update the standards which are suitable to the current circumstance. This will help ensure that education and training programs are relevant and up-to-date and will help ensure that graduates are prepared to meet the needs of the job market.

Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) for Award of Academic Qualifications (Q) is the awarding of academic qualifications to individual learners based on the evaluation and assessment of prior experiential learning toward fully recognized programs. Learn more about APEL.Q here

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